Badger Coach Co.

Photo of vintage hand-painted sign

Vintage hand-painted sign seen in Evansville, Wisconsin on August 7, 2004. This building was in the process of being restored. It had been covered in imitation brick tar paper. Amazingly, the surface beneath is barely weathered. The building was painted silver with these large coal-black letters about two feet tall on both sides of the building. The style appears to be late nineteenth century, but it could have been later than that, especially considering the condition.

Close-up photo of vintage hand-painted sign


Photo of vintage motel sign

Vintage sign seen in Wisconsin Dells, July 31, 2003.

Table Tennis

Photo of vintage packaging label

Packaging label seen in an antique store in Hixton, Wisconsin on July 29, 2004.

Cocktail Lounge

Photo of vintage metal sign

A rather badly maintained vintage sign seen in Bemidji, Minnesota, June 25, 2002.

Car Wash

Photo of metal sign in the shape of an elephant

Vintage sign seen in Puyallup, Washington, June 17, 2001.

B and G Cleaners

Photo of a vintage metal sign on a building

Vintage sign seen in St. Paul on June 8, 2002. The building was demolished a few days later.