Photo of badly spaced vinyl sign reading 'Perfect Fit'

A presumably unintentional contradictory message seen on Snelling Avenue in St. Paul, August 5, 2004.

Filed under: Roving Photographer

Photo of a flower pot that looks a bit like SpongeBob SquarePants

Bizarre ceramic flower pot seen in an antique store in Wisconsin Dells, July 31, 2004.

Filed under: Roving Photographer

Photo of the 'Top Secret' attraction at Wisconsin Dells

I spent the last few days at a family reunion in Wisconsin Dells (you’ll find it listed in the dictionary definition for “tourist trap”). One of the stranger things I saw there was an attraction called “Top Secret,” shown in the photo above. It looks exactly like the White House was dropped from the sky. Upside down.

What it is, I don’t know. We were not quite curious enough to pay the hefty admission fee to find out. Supposedly, you have to promise not to tell anyone what’s inside so as not to spoil the surprise (or the disappointment, possibly). Among the typical themes in the Dells (lumberjacks, pirates, Mount Olympus, the Carribean, etc.) it was disconcertingly Dada-esque, and therefore kind of cool. It almost doesn’t matter what’s inside.

Filed under: Roving Photographer

Big Tractor

Photo of a large outdoor metal sculpture in the shape of a silhouette of a farmer on a tractor

Part of the sculpture park at New York Mills, Minnesota. Photo taken June 28, 2002.

Filed under: Roving Photographer

Old Clocks

Photo of several antique clocks

Old clocks seen in an antique store. Photo taken June 28, 2002.

Filed under: Roving Photographer


Some very laid back hand-painted Friz Quadrata. Photographed in St. Paul on February 3, 2003.

Filed under: Roving Photographer