Etna’s Font Features

Though Etna is based on 19th-century typefaces, it still offers features for modern digital typesetting.

Stylstic alternates: Etna includes alternate glyphs for some characters, offering subtle stylistic variations to match your preference.

Stylistic alternate glyphs
Stylistic alternate glyphs

Standard ligatures: The most common ligatures are included in Etna, enabled by default in most design software.

Standard ligatures
Standard ligatures

Small capitals: Etna includes proper small caps, useful for typesetting initialisms, subheadings, etc.

Small capitals
Small capitals

Case-senstive forms: When all-caps styling is applied, some glyphs will be replaced with variants that align better with the uppercase letters.

Case-senstive forms
Case-senstive forms

Oldstyle numerals: In addition to the standard uppercase “lining” numerals, Etna also offers lowercase “oldstyle” numerals which blend in better within paragraphs of running text.

Oldstyle numerals
Oldstyle numerals

Tabular numerals: Etna includes tabular options for both uppercase and lowercase numerals, all with matching widths to ensure consistent alignment when typesetting tables of numerical data.

Tabular numerals
Tabular numerals

Fractions: Arbitrary fractions can be composed with proper typographic numerator and denominator glyphs.


Superscripts & Subscripts: Glyphs for superior and inferior numerals are included for footnote references, mathematic notation, chemical formulas, etc.


Filled manicules: For use at smaller sizes, there is an alternate set of simplified pointing hand “manicules”. The solid alternates can also function as a background fill when layered under the standard forms.

Filled manicules
Filled manicules

Character support: Etna supports a wide range of Latin-based languages, including many Eastern European languages, Turkish, and Vietnamese. There are also a handful of complementary math symbols and dingbats.

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